Man-oh-man, this had me giggling just reading the question… To be fair, I really wasn’t a rebellious teenager. That doesn’t mean I didn’t have my fair share of shady things going on. I will admit to cutting school by impersonating my mother while calling in my absence. I will admit to drinking while away from home. I may or may not have snuck into a movie or two.
I cut school with my neighbor junior year. The admin was on to us, though, and called our parents while we were out at the beach. Her mom was home, so she got in trouble the moment we got home. Since the admin couldn’t reach my mom, they called my GRANDMOTHER! When I got home, I got a call from her which was completely out of the norm. She told me she didn’t appreciate being called by the school and I had to tell my parents about cutting school by that night or she would be calling them the next day. I was grounded, but in the process of having the “I cut school by impersonating you” conversation, I explained that I was a good student with high grades and still didn’t get to go with my friends to the beach. Mom made a deal with me that during senior year, if I maintained a 4.0 GPA, she would write a note excusing me from classes whenever I wanted. THAT was a great deal. I think I attended about 60% of senior year and still maintained my 4.0 average!
Yep, I got caught drinking away from home. My folks had a great rule that we were allowed to drink if, and only if, they were home and aware we were doing so. It made us really not care about drinking. However, there was a time I was able to procure some… wait for it… Bartles & James wine coolers. My friends and I went to the neighboring city, found a quiet cul-de-sac, and popped the caps! Before we could even finish off one each, the cops drove up, got us out of the car, asked for ID, and obviously found us underage. They allowed us to leave without contacting our parents provided we poured out all our drinks, opened and unopened, and went straight home. No issue, all of us went home since none of us wanted our folks to know what we were doing that night.
The second time I got caught drinking away from home, it was with my boyfriend. He was house sitting for a friend and, being of legal age, was making strawberry daiquiris (gross!) for his friends and me. I had a few too many and was hammered! He wasn’t drinking, so when he dropped me off at my house, he walked me to the door where my mother was waiting. She told me to go “straight to bed young lady” and turned to tell my boyfriend she was disappointed in him. I figured I was in for a world of grounding, extra chores, and a lecture longer than the State of the Union, but next day, my mother didn’t even address it. To be honest, I was grateful and confused. That day, my mother was very kind to me when she quite justifiably did not need to be. Thanks, Mom, I love you for that kindness. I learned good lessons about drinking in excess and being compassionate to others.
My high school friends and I were good students, responsible, respectful, and had high standards for relationships. That being said, we lived on the edge by sneaking into a second movie after paying for the first movie! Wooooooo Yep, we planned this all out ahead of time to make sure we would be able to do it unnoticed due to the overlap of movies getting out. Masterminds, that’s what we were! OH…AND we snuck in our own snacks!!!